Saturday, August 2, 2008

Thing #21: Podcasts and Audio Books

I was first very daunted by this Thing as the Wikipedia explanations seemed very "jargonish" to me and I wasn't sure I understood it all. Thank goodness for the CommonCraft's vidcast "Podcasting in Plain English" (am I using the term correctly?) because it really helped me comprehend through visuals where reading it couldn't!

I have just finished my first vidcast and have spent most of my afternoon working on it. It was definitely a time-consuming endeavor and after viewing the end-result, I am disappointed with it. But since I am in a time crunch, I won't have time to redo it. I am glad I got to dabble with Photostory to create my own visual podcast, but it surely does need a whole lot of cutting and editing! It's my own creation and I was bored stiff with it, although I tried to be witty, talk with a variety of tones and keep it short and sweet.
I failed miserably and I realized that this is how I must sound to students when I accidentally switch to the dreaded "lecture mode..." and to top it all, corny with that! Besides the vidcast content flop, this in itself is actually a great reminder for the new year of the 10:2 ratio of teacher-student talk. Sorry for the blah, blah, blah...


VWB said...

it really is much better than you think! maybe a tad long for one sitting, but you could choose to show in parts and then have the link somewhere where the students could access it to watch it on their own.
Remember this was a learning experience for all of us. Your next one will be better...and the next one even better! :-)

Cheryl Laucher said...

Very clear and informative! I learned a lot and now I have the actual locations to take our recycling and make some money. Thank you, Li'l Smack!